Monday, May 20, 2024

Psalm Meditation 1249 ¶Trinity Sunday ¶May 26, 2024 ¶Psalm 121 (NRSVUE) ¶“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” It might be more accurate to say, ‘it’s who knows you.’ The people who know us, and care about us, those who have our backs can make a real difference in our lives. They can protect us from at least some of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, can give advice on how to avoid others, and help us get back up when we have been knocked down by the people and circumstances of our lives. These folks who have our backs may be powerful and important, and can just as easily be people who love us in ways that no one else can imagine. ¶The psalmist knows that God, YHWH, is one of those who has our backs, who loves us in ways and to a degree that we can’t comprehend, and willingly sacrifices for our sakes. In matters of eternity, God will keep us firmly planted, will keep constant watch over us, and will protect us from the ordinary and extraordinary dangers around us. In day to day events, God will be with us, to give us comfort and companionship in the trials and triumphs that flesh is heir to. ¶God is not one to flick obstacles out of our way to keep us from tripping, to melt the ice ahead of us to keep us from slipping and falling. When those things do happen, God will be with us to nurse our bodies and pride back to health and wholeness. When we are riddled with doubt, overcome with imposter syndrome, left questioning everything we thought we believed, God will be with us. When our world feels as if it is collapsing in on us, God is there to keep us from being crushed under the weight of it all. “The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.” ¶May 20, 2024 ¶LCM

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