Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Psalm Meditation 1211 ¶Proper 17 ¶September 3, 2023 ¶Psalm 71 (NRSV) ¶I see the path to God as a bicycle wheel with spokes that come from all directions moving toward the center hub. We can be going different directions, crossing paths all while heading for the same goal. If we are not careful or kind we can see those coming from different directions as being wrong rather than simply different. And while it seems everyone else is headed in the wrong direction, we each have our own way to go to support the work of holding hub to rim. ¶The psalmist feels picked on for going about things differently than those who feel that their way is the only right way. The psalmist feels like a portent, a warning of an upcoming calamity due to going the ‘wrong’ way. We are more aware of other people doing things ’wrong’ than we are of ourselves doing things that don’t fit in with those around us. We see those we love and care about as being right and everyone else being wrong. A band parent commented on the band marching a parade saying, “Did you notice that everyone in the band was out of step except my child?” ¶It is possible to be different from those around us, and for each of us to be on the right path. When the pressure becomes great to get everyone moving in the same direction think of a bicycle wheel and the differences required for that wheel to work. And look to God who is faithful to us and does not forsake us as we move through the world doing the work to which we feel called and led. ¶August 30, 2023 ¶LCM

Monday, August 21, 2023

Psalm Meditation 1210 ¶Proper 16 ¶August 27, 2023 ¶Psalm 64 (NRSV) ¶When we complain it is to two very different types of people. We complain to those we believe share our opinion of the object of our complaint. These folks are not in a position to do anything about our complaint except to nod and join in the conversation with their own complaints about the subject. It becomes an increasingly intense conversation as we dig deeper into our wells of disgust regarding this object of our shared ire. There is a hidden hope that the other will take our common concerns to the proper authorities to get it fixed to our satisfaction. ¶The psalmist takes the other course of action, taking the complaint to one who has the power and authority to do something about the source of our complaint. God can’t keep people from scheming against us or plotting our destruction in some form. God can open the hearts and minds of good people to see the inherent evil in the actions and intentions of those around us. When enough people see the evil in the actions and ideas of the selfish, greedy people of an area they can stand in opposition to that evil and expose it to the ridicule it deserves. ¶As much fun as the first choice can be, to talk about the faults and flaws of others with those who share our view—to gossip, It is not a productive way to solve a problem. If we are not in a position to deal with the concern directly we can go to the person or group who does have the authority to address the concern. God is certainly one to whom we can go for help and support. It is possible God will work in the life of the other in such a way that our concern is dealt with. It is just as possible that God will work within us to show us how we can live in harmony with the other, or live with the dissonance that is our relationship. “Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in [God]. Let all the upright in heart glory.” ¶August 21, 2023 ¶LCM

Monday, August 14, 2023

Psalm Meditation 1209 ¶Proper 15 ¶August 20, 2023 ¶Psalm 93 (NRSV) ¶Oceans, seas, lakes, and other large bodies of water were fearful places for the people of early biblical times. They were disordered, unruly, and dangerous places for people to venture. Large bodies of water were home to the chaos monster who brought calamity and confusion to people who ventured out into the angry waves. In the act of Creation, God had made a place that was usually safe from the wilds of the waters of chaos. Every now and then the waters would cross into the dry land to bring flooding and its resulting difficulties. ¶When I would be frightened by thunder in nighttime storms, my dad would calm me by telling me to imagine that it was potatoes rolling down the stairs. That image was enough to allow me to take a deep breath or two and drift back to sleep. Perhaps that was the psalmist’s thinking as well. By offering the image of the flood waters roaring out their praise to God, it offered people an opportunity to redirect their fear of the flood to the praise of God for protection from the floodwaters. ¶The world has a lot of scary things in it these days. I imagine the world has always had plenty of things about which people can fret and stress. Through it all, people of faith have lived and died as people of God. They have faced their fears, avoided danger, kept loved ones as safe as possible in any given situation. Those who find and make ways to offer praise and thanksgiving to God have an easier time facing their trials than those who give in to the fear of anything and everything in the world around them. ¶August 14, 2023 ¶LCM

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Psalm Meditation 1208 ¶Proper 14 ¶August 13, 2023 ¶Psalm 86 (NRSV) ¶In some cultures, including that of ancient Israel, it is understood that surrounding cultures have their own deities that share space with those of other groups. This is why it is important to know the name/names of those who reign over our particular people group. It is the task of our divinity to push others out of the way to show that our group is bigger, faster, and stronger than yours. Our human wars, battles, and conflicts are extensions of the divine battle for supremacy. ¶In this psalm, the psalmist makes the bold claim “For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God.” (86:10.) One way of hearing this statement is that our God is the most powerful of all the pantheon. My preference is to hear it as a statement of monotheism, that there is only one God. For those who worship numerous deities, it is dividing the attributes of God into several parts for ease of petitioning the one who is in charge of my particular concern. We each have moments in which we need a particular attribute of God in order to face what lies before us. Some choose to have a separate deity, others choose to approach a particular characteristic of God knowing that all of YHWH will be present with us. ¶The psalmist continues with a request to be taught the way of God in a way that is clear along with the ability and willingness to follow with an undivided heart. The psalmist also reminds us that there are always folks out to get us, who do not see eye to eye with us on questions including how and even if God is present among us. It is the grace and mercy of God that will finally bring us into the steadfast love and faithfulness of God. In the strength of God’s gifts to us we too will be able to live out the steadfast love of God toward all those around us. ¶August 8, 2023 ¶LCM

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Psalm Meditation 1207 ¶Proper 13 ¶August 6, 2023 ¶Psalm 79 (NRSV) ¶At least one of my seminary professors told us that we are not so much punished for our sin as we are by our sin. As an addition from experience, we can be punished by the sins of another. Yet another addition is that the definition of sin can be broad. We have probably experienced being punished by our sin and owned up to it with a ‘Yeah, I deserved that.’ And we have probably been hurt by the actions of others by being in their presence as they did something that someone was going to have to pay for. There are some things that do not seem to be sinful, and yet there is a price to pay for those actions and deeds. ¶The psalmist is aware that there are many deaths to be mourned in the city of Jerusalem. It may have been due to the actions of the residents of the city, and just as likely that it is due to the selfishness and greed of those who attacked and destroyed the city. The most true part of the psalmist’s prayer is that only God can bring the city back into its former glory as the City of God. The God whose love continually draws us together in love does not seem to be one who would send one group to destroy another, especially in anger. God aches with us in our pain and grief rather than being the cause of it. ¶God is not one to pick sides based on right and wrong since there is usually some of each on every side of a conflict. God is most likely to side with the poor, oppressed, and powerless. Those who have resources, freedom, and power do not need help in winning the conflicts in which they embroil themselves. God offers help and hope to the downtrodden in such a way that even if they are defeated and nearly destroyed, they know that they are loved by God. ¶August 1, 2023 ¶LCM