Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Psalm Meditation 1275 ¶Reign of Christ ¶November 24, 2024 ¶Psalm 149 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+149&version=NRSVUE (NRSVUE) ¶At the end of an adrenaline producing event, both winning and losing spectators/non-participants have gobs of energy looking for an outlet. In our era, folks end up vandalizing cars and other forms of hooliganism. It doesn’t happen all the time and not everyone participates, however there is enough damage done to make it noteworthy. In our current political climate, there are groups of people who call down death and destruction on everyone on the other side of the fence. Given the opportunity to put our desires and threats into action, most of us would not even know how to start. ¶The psalmist deals with the same adrenaline rush. God is called upon to exact the vengeance that we would wish on our enemies and adversaries. We want to step into the fray with swinging swords and blazing guns to mow down everyone who has wronged us. The psalmist, and others in Israel want to see enemies destroyed, sliced up, tied up, and brought to the kind of justice that we long to see. Better yet, we want to stand back and let God do the work while we sing songs about the great things God does for us. ¶God rarely brings justice through violence and vindictiveness. God brings justice by calling and encouraging us to work together for the sake of all around us. The love of God cajoles and encourages us to make and grow peace with those with whom we share creation. Will those around us drop their animosity for the sake of unity? Nope. Will God continue to work in each of our hearts to move ever closer to those with whom we disagree? Yep. “Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, [God’s] praise in the assembly of the faithful.” ¶November 19, 2024 LCM

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