Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Psalm Meditation 1262 ¶Proper 16 ¶August 25, 2024 ¶Psalm 139 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+139&version=NRSVUE (NRSVUE) ¶When we agree to have someone watch over us, it is a source of comfort, knowing that we are being watched for our protection. When anyone decides to watch us secretly and without our knowledge, that is spying or stalking and is a very uncomfortable thing to discover. Being watched over puts a damper on our freedom, however, in some cases that loss is worth it to us. When given this responsibility of watching, it is tempting to overstep the bounds of the mandate and move into manipulation rather than protection of those being watched. ¶If we choose, we can see this psalm as a reminder that God is kinda creepy, watching our every move and listening to our every thought, judging us and finding us wanting. That is not how the psalmist and other people of faith see the activity of God. We take comfort in knowing that we are not alone, and that God watches out of love and concern rather than a desire to judge us for all of our sins of commission and omission. God wants for us the best we can possibly achieve. ¶Sadly, the psalmist goes on to ask God to destroy all the folks who aren’t like us. It is a human reaction, however it is not the kind of thing that God is known for, even though there are instances is Scripture of God destroying our common enemies. God is more likely to be the one that leads us to a way of life that allows us to love, care for, and about those around us whether we agree on everything, anything, or nothing. ¶August 20, 2024 ¶LCM

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