Monday, December 19, 2022

Psalm Meditation 1175 ¶Christmas ¶December 25, 2022 ¶Psalm 35 (NRSV) ¶We don’t get involved in conflicts knowing that we are wrong and defending our point of view anyway. Even when we play devil’s advocate to someone else’s argument, it is because we believe another side has to be heard. So we know that the psalmist believes in the cause on this side of the armed conflict. Since I am right, that must mean that the folks who oppose me are wrong. Because that is the case, it is only fair for God to help me beat these others into submission. ¶Since we don’t go to battle of any kind knowing that we are wrong, it must be true of the folks on the other side as well. From our point of view, ‘those people’ are wrong to the point of being on the side of evil. It is also the case that ‘those people’ see us as wrong and evil. So, who is right? It depends on the perspective of those in the conflict. Our starting assumptions determine which direction we take our arguments. When ‘those people’ choose different priorities they will come to different conclusions. There will be enough truth on each side to convince us of the need to cross swords in the defense of our truth. ¶Rather than choosing the way of the psalmist, “My side is right and all the other sides are wrong.” we can choose the way of understanding. Listen to the opposing arguments and the assumptions behind them. We can still disagree even if we totally understand the opposing viewpoint. We can continue to defend our point of view without calling on God to destroy those who disagree. This would be especially handy if it turns out that we are the ones who are mostly in the wrong. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” ¶December 19, 2022 ¶LCM

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